© Kreative Brand 2016 All Rights Reserved

 Being Agents of Change

There have many throughout history who had fought, cried, bled, and died wearing the mantle and bearing the burden of being agents of change. They did it not for glory or aggrandizement or gain, but out of and in the interest of righteousness. To be an agent of change is to put your needs, fears, desires, interests, and benefits with the “many” not above them. Philanthropy, altruism, caring, kindness, and understanding is what makes us all agents of change. It can be in grand ways or in ways that are small. All we need do is answer the call.

Tools, Training, and Education

To be part of social change and solutions one must learn and know concepts, develop particular skills, use tools, both academic and interpersonal, and incorporate and use these skills and tools daily. Mirroring, active listening, empathy, humility, sacrifice, clarity, balance, and integrity are critically important to successful participation in activism and indispensable to leadership. One must know the issue(s), the history, the genesis, the sustaining factors, and the enemy very well to achieve success in creating social change.

Activism for beginners

Many of us have already engaged in acts of activism without being aware of it. Confronting rude and obnoxious people, bullies, and defending others on whatever level and wherever it occurs is the seeds of activism. Challenging a price, a policy,  rule, behavior, law, decision, or unfairness and inequality in any form is activism. Some simple and gradual social change activities include attending city council meetings, writing your elected officials, getting involved in policy in your kids schools, sharing information with other citizens, counseling and mentoring youth, volunteering in the service of others are forms of personal activism. However, to be based in social change any acts or activism cannot be based on bias or self-interest.

Everyone can participate

Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnic background, language, culture, religion, or country of origin, everyone who witnesses something unjust or unrighteous or identifies a need for change or has a constructive idea for that change has the freedom and ability to participate in the process of social change. Ironically, the lack of or restriction of opportunity to participate is a core issue and at the heart of the frustrations for many. But you can be an agent of change in your own way. You probably already are.

A New Movement

There have been many examples and instances of tyranny, control, and force throughout the history of the U S and the world. There are many examples of resistance to it and efforts to end it, often and tragically at great cost. Yet, so far, it appears that no one, scientist or sociologist, leader or politician, has identified the genesis and roots of many of the social problems that exist in the world today and has existed since the beginning. It is the antitheses of freedom, life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The underlying cause and what virtually all social, economic, and equality issues are steeped in is “tyranny.”  “Bullying” is tyranny’s methodology in policy, procedure, and practice. From employment, to finance, to politics, to academics, the “pecking order” hierarchy of power, class, and caste is based in and on the tyranny of those with the resources, access, power, and control of politics, policy, messaging, and law. This collective is at the root of all of the social, economic, equality, and injustice issues in the U S and the world. The operational method used to sustain, perpetuate, and protect their agendas, policies, and profits and contain dissent is basic, old fashioned bullying, done in implied and direct ways. Pure and simple. Reprisal, withholding, exclusion, punishment, ostracism, and control. De-concentrate and distribute the power the fear ends. End the fear the tyranny ends. End the tyranny the bullying ends. The bullying ends and full participation and access begins. With that, true progress is made and full potential is reachable… for everyone. Laws are needed to end bullying in policy, employment, law enforcement, business, finance and economics, academia, housing, social and public bullying, etc. Not just in the schoolyard and on the Internet, and not just for teenagers and children. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and his or her sovereign physical and intellectual self should be regarded and respected. The foundation of abuse of authority and power, imbalance of authority and power, and lack of accountability and transparency of authority and power must be dismantled and removed from every facet of our lives. This is the formula. This is the mandate . This is the new movement.

 Being Agents of Change

There have many throughout history who had fought, cried, bled, and died wearing the mantle and bearing the burden of being agents of change. They did it not for glory or aggrandizement or gain, but out of and in the interest of righteousness. To be an agent of change is to put your needs, fears, desires, interests, and benefits with the “many” not above them. Philanthropy, altruism, caring, kindness, and understanding is what makes us all agents of change. It can be in grand ways or in ways that are small. All we need do is answer the call.

Tools, Training, and Education

To be part of social change and solutions one must learn and know concepts, develop particular skills, use tools, both academic and interpersonal, and incorporate and use these skills and tools daily. Mirroring, active listening, empathy, humility, sacrifice, clarity, balance, and integrity are critically important to successful participation in activism and indispensable to leadership. One must know the issue(s), the history, the genesis, the sustaining factors, and the enemy  very well to achieve success in creating social change.

Activism for beginners

Many of us have already engaged in acts of activism without being aware of it. Confronting rude and obnoxious people, bullies, and defending others on whatever level and wherever it occurs is the seeds of activism. Challenging a price, a policy,  rule, behavior, law, decision, or unfairness and inequality in any form is activism. Some simple and gradual social change activities include attending city council meetings, writing your elected officials, getting involved in policy in your kids schools, sharing information with other citizens, counseling and mentoring youth, volunteering in the service of others are forms of personal activism. However, to be based in social change any acts or activism cannot be based on bias or self- interest.

Everyone can participate

Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnic background, language, culture, religion, or country of origin, everyone who witnesses something unjust or unrighteous or identifies a need for change or has a constructive idea for that change has the freedom and ability to participate in the process of social change. Ironically, the lack of or restriction of opportunity to participate is a core issue and at the heart of the frustrations for many. But you can be an agent of change in your own way. You probably already are.

A New Movement

There have been many examples and instances of tyranny, control, and force throughout the history of the U S and the world. There are many examples of resistance to it and efforts to end it, often and tragically at great cost. Yet, so far, it appears that no one, scientist or sociologist, leader or politician, has identified the genesis and roots of many of the social problems that exist in the world today and has existed since the beginning. It is the antitheses of freedom, life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The underlying cause and what virtually all social, economic, and equality issues are steeped in is “tyranny.”  “Bullying” is tyranny’s methodology in policy, procedure, and practice. From employment, to finance, to politics, to academics, the “pecking order” hierarchy of power, class, and caste is based in and on the tyranny of those with the resources, access, power, and control of politics, policy, messaging, and law. This collective is at the root of all of the social, economic, equality, and injustice issues in the U S and the world. The operational method used to sustain, perpetuate, and protect their agendas, policies, and profits and contain dissent is basic, old fashioned bullying, done in implied and direct ways. Pure and simple. Reprisal, withholding, exclusion, punishment, ostracism, and control. De-concentrate and distribute the power the fear ends. End the fear the tyranny ends. End the tyranny the bullying ends. The bullying ends and full participation and access begins. With that, true progress is made and full potential is reachable… for everyone. Laws are needed to end bullying in policy, employment, law enforcement, business, finance and economics, academia, housing, social and public bullying, etc. Not just in the schoolyard and on the Internet, and not just for teenagers and children. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and his or her sovereign physical and intellectual self should be regarded and respected. The foundation of abuse of authority and power, imbalance of authority and power, and lack of accountability and transparency of authority and power must be dismantled and removed from every facet of our lives. This is the formula. This is the mandate . This is the new movement.