© Kreative Brand 2016 All Rights Reserved

 Remind and Remember

These images are posted to help us get, gain, and keep a perspective of what is good, what is precious, what is sacrosanct, and show the consequences of wrong, ignorance, and hate. Let us all be reminded to remember that we are not promised tomorrow, we are our brother and sister’s keeper, and the quality of our lives and the state of what we call “civilization” is only as good as its weakest link. Let is not view a chain as something than constrains and enslaves in this context, but as something that connects us, continues a path of growth, understanding, progress, and togetherness. A home, a family, a relationship, a nation divided cannot stand, and as it is said, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Remember.

 Remind and Remember

These images are posted to help us get, gain, and keep a perspective of what is good, what is precious, what is sacrosanct, and show the consequences of wrong, ignorance, and hate. Let us all be reminded to remember that we are not promised tomorrow, we are our brother and sister’s keeper, and the quality of our lives and the state of what we call “civilization” is only as good as its weakest link. Let is not view a chain as something than constrains and enslaves in this context, but as something that connects us, continues a path of growth, understanding, progress, and togetherness. A home, a family, a relationship, a nation divided cannot stand, and as it is said, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Remember.
© Kreative Brand 2016 All Rights Reserved